Archive for May 1st, 2007

Agile Messenger – spying on you?!

Tuesday, May 1st, 2007

I just took a quick look at Agile Messenger, a messaging application for mobile phones and PDAs supporting the MSN, AOL, Yahoo, ICQ, Googletalk and XMPP protocols. It works great, just..
Why does it connect to [] every time one connects to a messenger network? Why does it complain about broken network connectivity when it can’t? Is it really necessary to send unique identifying IDs to this server (and exchange quite some base64 encoded data)? I found some hints that you might send some more identifying codes there, like IMSI, IMEI, messenger-uids and -passwords.. 🙁
The XML Response contains a base64-Part with my ICQ uin and some more stuff.
Ah, that’s not all. What about the reoccuring usage-reports to [], also containing the unique ID? Not only that, it also contains a value for “traffic” .. – and can’t be disabled!
Should I even mention
Guys, you shouldn’t be watching my messenger traffic or try to track me all the time. And your program is now gone from my mobile phone; thanks.
That’s definitely a program to avoid.